Monthly Archives: April 2009

11 Twitter Tools That are Useful & Do Not Ask You to Give Up your Password


1. TweetStats: TweetStats provides your with statistics for your Twitter account. TweetStats
graph the amount of hourly and monthly tweets of your account and the
amount of replies as well as interface the tweets that you use the
most. URL

2. TwitterFriends: TwitterFriends
is one of the most complete Twitter statistic tools where with just
your Twitter username you can obtain very impressive statistics.


3. TwitterGrader: TwitterGrader
will grade your account from 0 to 100 based upon your account’s
followers, following and number of tweets. You will be given a rank.
This will measure the impact of your Twitter account in the Twitter
World. URL

Are You Listed in the Twitter Elite for your country?

4. ReTweetRank: ReTweetRank ranks your account based on the number of retweets you get. URL

Tweeple Discovery:

5. NearbyTweets: If you would like to find tweeples near you NearbyTweets assists in finding people who have tweeted near you. NearbyTweets is great tool for discovering new members to follow. URL

6. Twubble:
Are you tired of subscribing to other peoples accounts just so they can
recommend people to subscribe to? (@mrtweet, We are discussing you.) If
you fill out your twitter username, Twubble will recommends users to follow based on your friends following. Note: Update – Twubble will ask you to log into Twitter’s API with your username and password.

Tweeple Unfollowing:

7. Twitoria: As time goes by.your following list becomes larger and there accumulates a lot of spammy, unwanted, accounts,Twitoria
will tell you which of the accounts you are following has not updated
in the last week, month or year and other time spans. URL

8. Qwitter: Qwitter notifies you via email if someone stops following you. Qwitter only requires your username and an email address to send notifications to you.

Note: Qwitter has been known to be pretty unreliable in terms of timely notifications in taking a lengthy time in sending such notifications.

9. FriendOrFollow: FriendOrFollow will assist you in determining who isn’t following you back. URL

Miscellaneous Fun Tools:

10. Tweetwasters: Tweetwasters will assist you in determining how much time do you spend on Twitter? Tweetwasters requires only your Twitter username.

11. TweetWheel: TweetWheel lets you find out which friends know each other and what they are doing, such as planning a party or going out for a movie? TweetWheel will allow you to find out out who knows who with and avoid those awkward moments, i.e. foot in the mouth!

you know of other useful Twitter tools that don’t require your password
(or even if they do)? We would appreciate it if you would take the time
to share them with us! You will find our contact information on this
Blog. Thank you!


If your Twitter account was infected with the Mikeyy worm or one of the other worms that was floating around this weekend, no worries. Well for Twitter yes, a real pain in the tush! However for individual account Twitter holders the bugs that were floating around were fairly benevolent. Here is a valid link to an easy fix to any inconvenience that we may have incurred. I personally repaired my BobLally Twitter account in about 5 minutes. I would also like to thank the Security Team at Twitter for doing what they do and did to protect our accounts on Twitter so that a more serious attack did not and does not occur. The Twitter Blog makes a very good point that we should all be on guard and treat this as a learning experience. Only good things are going to happen from here so let’s all move on and thank all the dedicated staff at Twitter for the precautions that they taken and all the hard work they have done in protecting our accounts.

The Reason and Necessity of

I have been involved in Internet marketing of all forms for over twenty years now and I have seen changes and many innovations. To the beginnings of the first SEO (Search Engine Optimization) companies, purchasing leads, auto dialers, warm markets, home parties to the becoming law of attraction marketing, sales funnels and the modern day list building. I have seen it all. What works and what does not work. I can say with confidence that the old way strategies of purchasing leads, auto dialers, warm markets, home parties just do not work in the current atmosphere and economy that we are in. People do not have the attention spans that they did. Now there are what is what I call the three second decision rule which means that you must be prepared to make a decision in three seconds because that is what the people that you are marketing to are now doing and in order to understand that process you must be able to do it yourself.

As a result of the three second rule past the law of attraction into the law of magnetism demanding the use of modern day list building and sales funnels to present the product or opportunity to the populace (not the prospect – a prospect is only one person and thus one sale) in order that (what the modern day populace demands) the three second rule may be presented in itself as the opportunity; accepted or rejected who cares? The world is the ocean from which we now fish and the quicker you determine who is and who is not only interested but a buyer and not a tire kicker, the better off you are. You must present the opportunity and product, at the same precise instant that the world is making a decision as to whether to purchase or not with a three second time frame. Thus the conception of . A tool to move myself as well as you well past the present and into the future of Internet Marketing Magnetism.